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    Mark S. Londner, ACI, AIA
       "Inspections that Educate"
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Mark S. Londner, ACI, AIA
"Inspections that Educate"

LBI Home & Building Inspection, Serving Northern VA, MD, WV, & DE

What to Expect at Your Home Inspection
So you've already scheduled a home inspection with LBI...

The following is presented in order to help you understand how your Home Inspection will be conducted. By familiarizing yourself with this methodology you will more easily learn from your experience and help us proceed more

Upon your arrival we will enter, conduct a detailed orientation, and answer any initial questions you may have, then inspect the home together. During which I'II explain everything and answer any questions you may have. We will most commonly inspect the property in the following order: exterior, crawl space, garage, basement or lower level, attic, uppermost level, mid level(s), and main level; completing the inspection in the kitchen. When we've completed inspecting, we'll review the draft of the upcoming report so you'll know what issues will be in the report before we leave.

During your inspection, you are encouraged to ask any questions you may have. We do request, however, that you hold your questions until after we have inspected and discussed the area/item in question.

It is also important that you understand that the "physical portion" of the inspection is primarily a gathering of data, and although observations will be discussed as we proceed, no final solutions or recommendations can be offered until after the entire property has been inspected and our findings can be property assimilated.

Page last updated: 12 December 2024 at 2:44pm